Digital Styleguide

  1. Logo
  2. Typography
  3. Colours
  4. Grid
  5. Iconography



Regular, 400, Uppercase

The spectacle before us was indeed sublime.

With Parkergrams

A design consultancy with a unique blend of talented people, process and passion, crafting beautiful design solutions that deliver way more.

Space Grotesk

Light, 300

The spectacle before us was indeed sublime.

Regular, 400

The spectacle before us was indeed sublime.

Medium, 500

The spectacle before us was indeed sublime.

SemiBold, 600

The spectacle before us was indeed sublime.

Bold, 700

The spectacle before us was indeed sublime.



Parker Red
Tyrian Purple
Cherry Blossom
Artic Paradise
Night Gray
Light grey


Container & breakpoint sizes

'sm' or 640px
'md' or 768px
'lg' or 1024px
'xl' or 1280px
'2xl' or 1640px
'3xl' or 1920px
'4xl' or 2240px
'fluid' or 100%

12 Column grid



Font Awesome, Light (randomised)


A001 Square
A002 2 Squares
A003 5 Squares X
A004 4 Squares
A005 Pause
A006 Steps
A007 Squares Plus
A008 Burger Menu Active
A009 Circle
A010 4 Circles
A011 9 Circles
A012 8 Circles
A013 5 Circles
A014 Circles Plus
A015 2 Triangles
A016 Fast Forward
A017 Rewind
A018 4 Triangles
A019 Enclosed Diamond
A020 Diamond
A021 Chevron Right
A022 Chevron Left
A023 9 Triangles
A024 3 Diagonal Stripes
A025 Close Icon Active
A026 4 Diamonds
A027 6 Diagonal Stripes
A028 Hashtag
A029 Snooker Balls
B001 Square Circle Circle Square
B002 Circle Circle Square Square
B003 Droplet
B004 Square Square Triangle Triangle
B005 Square Square Triangle Triangle
B006 Square Triangle Triangle Square
B007 Circle 3 Quarters
B008 Circle Vertical Split
B009 2 Half Circles
B010 Enclosed Twinkle
B011 Spinning Top
B012 Half Circle Triangle
B013 Octagon
B014 Enclosed Square 1
B015 Enclosed Square 2
B016 Enclosed Square 3
B017 Enclosed Circle 1
B018 Enclosed Circle 2
B019 Enclosed Circle 3
C001 Passion Flame
C002 Person
C003 Access All Areas
C004 Play Button
C005 Fat Arrow Right
C006 Fat Arrow Left
C007 Fat Arrow Up
C008 Fat Arrow Down
C009 Type A
C010 Home
C011 Heart
C012 Cheese
C013 Finger Pointing Right
C014 Finger Pointing Left
C015 Finger Pointing Down
C015 Finger Pointing Up
C016 Squircle
C017 Dotted Arrow Right
C018 Dotted Arrow Left
C019 Dotted Arrow Up
C020 Dotted Arrow Down
C021 Movie Camera
C022 9 People
C023 Speech Bubble
C024 Audio Waveform
C025 Target
C026 Lightning
C027 QR Code
C028 Mountains
029 Flower
C030 Space Invader
C031 Moon
C032 Bedazzled
C033 Asterisk
C034 Pacman
C035 Ghost
C036 Tulip
C037 Computer
C038 4 Corner Arrows
C039 Thought Bubble
C040 Eye
C040 Eye NEG
C041 Cog
C042 Brackets
C043 4 Stars
D001 Can Do Will Do
D002 Sunglasses
D003 Speaker
D004 Process Bullet Points
D005 Circle And Cross
D006 Four People
D007 Eyes Right
D007 Eyes Right NEG
D008 Eyes Left
D008 Eyes Left NEG
D009 Smiley Face
D010 Pencil
D010 Pencil NEG
D011 Sun
D012 Arrow Clockwise
D013 Arrow Anti Clockwise
D014 Union Jack
D014 Union Jack NEG
D015 Thin Arrow Right
D016 Thin Arrow Left
D017 Thin Arrow Up
D018 Thin Arrow Down
D019 2 Arrows Clockwise
D020 2 Arrows Anti Clockwise
D021 Egg Timer
D022 Virtual Meeting
D023 Plant
D024 Bar Chart
D025 Umbrella
D026 Arrows Left And Right
027 Arrows Up And Down
D028 Leaf
D029 Music
D030 Quotation Marks Opening
D031 Quotation Marks Closing
D032 Keyboard
D032 Keyboard NEG
D033 Robot
D034 Circle And Diagonal Line
D035 Headphones
D036 Stretched Eyes Right
D036 Stretched Eyes Right NEG
D037 Stretched Eyes Left
D037 Stretched Eyes Left NEG
D038 Saturn
D039 Death Star
D039 Death Star NEG
D040 Speaker Muted
D041 Hot Dog
D042 Beanstalk
D043 Mug
D044 Trophy
D045 Tablet
D046 Phone
D047 Calendar
D048 Gantt Chart
D049 Tag
D050 Map Pin
D051 Flag
D052 Loud Speaker
D053 Pantone Chip
D053 Pantone Chip NEG
D054 Way More
D055 Process
E001 Empty Image Container
E002 Registration Mark
E003 Creative Environment
E004 Burger Menu
E005 Person Outline
E006 Paper
E007 Innovation
E008 Clock
E009 3 Column Grid
E010 Decorative Arrow Right
E011 Decorative Arrow Left
E012 Decorative Arrow Up
E013 Decorative Arrow Down
E014 Cube Transparent
E015 Asterisk Thin
E016 Trim Marks
E017 Modular Grid
E018 Pie Chart
E019 Magnifying Glass
E020 Print And Screen
E021 Close Icon
E022 Cube
E023 Envelope
E024 Science
E025 Globe
E026 @ Symbol
E027 Ticket
E028 People
E029 Passion Explosion
E030 Events E
E031 Outlined Circle