UK Fuels

Corporate recruitment brochure

corporate recruitment brochure

With rapid expansion and recruiting new employees every month, our client needed a corporate recruitment brochure design to give potential candidates an overview of the benefits that come with working for the company.


Fully independent, UK Fuels is one of Europe’s biggest fuel card companies with over 7,000 sites in the UK alone including BP, Shell, Esso and supermarket forecourts.


The main aim of this piece of recruitment collateral was to get across a number of key points within the brochure design, which would help entice candidates reassuring them that they where making a sound decision when joining the team to kick-start their career journey.


Following this approach, we split the recruitment brochure into two sections – one dedicated to company history, location and general information, and the other section focusing on core areas and the opportunities that are available to graduates who join the Financial Services team.

We filled the brochure with a selection of curated testimonials, photographs of current graduates and also of long-serving employees to give potential candidates a flavour of what it’s like to work for the company. A ‘flowing’ lines graphic gives a sense of journey and progress, helping bring the brochure to life and providing a sense to candidates that this is a ‘real’ opportunity to drive their careers forward.corporate recruitment brochure

The corporate recruitment brochure enabled UK Fuels to drive the graduate programme forward and provided the company with the means to reach and appeal to the top talent pool.


Have a look at other recruitment marketing ideas that have helped our clients attract top talent.

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