
Direct marketing template

Direct Marketing templateSage approached us to create a direct marketing template for the SageOne campaign.


As part of the SageOne campaign, our client would form partnerships with accountancy practices who had recommended the product to their clients as their preferred accounting tool.


As well as featuring the benefits of SageOne, the template needed to be adaptable and incorporate a logo and contact details from the accountancy practice.

The direct marketing template featured the already successful ‘effective relief from accounts headaches’ design concept, which we had previously created for the overall SageOne campaign.Direct marketing template

When the first partnership was formed we were able to print and deliver the template within a couple of days of receiving the call from our client.

“I was delighted working with Parker Design.

The team work in a very intuitive and thorough way, delivering to very tight timescales.

Following launch, the board commented very favourably on the campaign, and was delighted with the response. I’ll be working with them again soon!”

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