Email Marketing Campaigns – To email or not to email?
Remember GDPR? Well, if after speaking to your Data and Legal teams*, you’re no longer having nightmares about it, you can reconsider email as one of the most powerful communications and marketing tools available to reach your audience, large or small, business or consumer.
A well-timed and thought-out email campaign is an extremely targeted, tailored and effective way to reach your audiences and inspire them to take action. Email marketing campaigns are also one of the most budget-friendly ways of achieving your goals.
So, the question is – where do you start?
1 – Start at the beginning: Turn the basics into a solid basis and hit those open rates
To really shine and stand out in a crowded inbox, your email campaign needs strong foundations.
Consider tailoring the From address display name, even the email address itself – From: “Parker Design” ([email protected]) – to something that will trigger a positive reaction in your audience’s mind.
Think of personalising your salutation when addressing your audience (“Dear Audience” or “Hi Audience“) or banish personalisation completely (a simple “Hello”), if you think that’s a closer reflection of who you are, how you want to speak to your audience, how you think they’d want you to speak to them. Thinking carefully about your salutation will also help with how you want your audience to perceive you, how you want your audience to feel when they open your email.
Or go solo, without salutation. Rely instead on impactful and memorable creative ideas to introduce yourself, let them do the talking.
But before getting to the opening stage, don’t forget to really think about the email subject line. Think of it as the wrapping paper on a present. From a pile under the tree – emails in an inbox – which one’s the most attractive to unwrap? Make it yours.
And if you’re wondering about measures of success, when it comes to open rate you should aim for 15% if your email campaign is targeted at a B2B market, or around 19-20% if aimed at consumers**.
Something else to remember: the pre-header, that’s what your audience will see if their inbox is set to show a preview of the email before it’s actually opened. Make it count – it could be the difference between double-clicking to open, or pressing Delete.
2 – The body of the email? Simply irresistible – Think high click-through and response rates
Success, they’re in! Now you have to make sure your audience stay, like what they see, keep scrolling, find your calls to action, and click or call, or take whatever step is next to show they’re fully engaged with your content, whether your email campaign is one of your sales, awareness, customer retention or employee engagement tools.
Are you hands on?
We can build an email template that you can populate yourself as often as
you need to reach out to your audiences.
Is it a one off?
We can create an impactful solus email that will get your audiences talking, and clicking through.
Persuasive and engaging copy, playing with colour, icons and fonts, maximising quality photography, and memorable and effective layouts will allow you to turn your email marketing campaigns into successful user experiences that will yield results.
Our digital developers will make sure your email marketing campaigns are compatible
with the most popular email clients, and that audiences enjoy a great user experience
whether they receive your email on a desktop or a mobile device.
3 – Last but not least, the email footer – The icing on the bottom
Don’t forget to say “thank you and see you soon” to your audience in the most meaningful way.
We can help you craft messaging that will persuade the toughest of audiences before they decide to move on. Adding another call to action button, or a phone number will have a positive impact on your response rates.
Or you can appeal to your audience’s curiosity by including links to your social channels – if you have time to update them regularly with engaging, and relevant, content. For maximum impact and return, think of every single step of the user journey.
So, with email marketing campaigns we can take care of everything – the design, functionality, development and user experience, as well as the marketing strategy behind. All conceived and bound together to maximise results you can measure quickly.
Get in touch if you think we can help you reach your goals.
(*) – if you haven’t spoken to your Data and Legal teams yet, we may be able to offer some guidance (but not legal advice, sorry)
(**) – source Campaign Monitor.
Feel free to give us a call to start a conversation, our doors are always open.