Internal branding design
An internal branding design concept that links four corporate values and transmits the idea of every employee working together as one.
Through key mergers and acquisitions, the company benefits from a nationwide team of designers, engineers and assessors who can support care professionals across the UK. The same level of care and attention our client gives its customers has been translated into the company values and what they mean for each employee.
An initiative primarily driven by our client’s HR team, our brief was to help bring to life and launch a new internal brand to every employee across the Prism Healthcare Group. The internal brand design would need to act as a driving force to bring people on board with the company values and the sentiment behind the company’s CEO message to all employees (filmed by our video production team* to be shared internally).
(*) – an edited version has been included here for illustrative purposes
With no brand guidelines available, and a fast turnaround required, we were asked to work with an existing brand pyramid that had been created internally some time ago as a vehicle to communicate the company values.
Our client’s existing PACT brand (Performance, Accountability, Caring, Trust) is at the centre of everything they do. Taking the existing brand pyramid as a source, we immersed ourselves in a pre-workshop session to explore how PACT could be translated into a truly engaging new brand.
The internal brand workshop took our client on a journey that allowed them to review and evaluate the variety of branding design options we presented.
Focusing on PACT first, we surrounded it in a fluid circle shape to signify a seal of approval; PACT is like a tacit agreement to follow the four values at all times. The seal becomes the logo when in isolation.
All the different branding options we created had PACT at the heart, evolving it to give it a fresh and modern approach, like in the infographic-style wheel below – a powerful enabler of employee engagement.
The wheel infographic is driven by the concept that everything and everyone link together, working as one, with the four values radiating out of PACT.
We maximised the brightness of the four brand colours and incorporated icons to make each value more memorable and instantly recognisable.
We also created a second graphic that transmits the idea of a journey: the curved line symbolises the path every employee is on when following the values, leading to personal growth and ultimately career progression.
The internal branding design was rolled out across a variety of printed and digital assets, including a set of striking posters where each value is broken up to add a sense of energy and flexibility, and create immediate impact.
By breaking up the words, attention is increased and focus on each value heightened in the minds of employees. The posters then include detail on what each value represents, giving employees the opportunity to digest what the values mean to them.
The design easily carries over into digital and printed assets that create a feeling of personal ownership at every touchpoint.
Postcards and notecards
PowerPoint template
Digital assets, including a website graphic, and mobile and desktop backgrounds
The branded collateral we produced covers a wide range of items and purposes – pull-up banners that make it easy for the internal brand to be present at any location, ID lanyards, tote bags and water bottles, pens, even branded air fresheners and tyre pressure gauges for staff on the road, or who are not office-based.
The internal brand toolkit was very well received by our client and their audience, a diverse workforce distributed across the UK.
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