
Internal communications infographic

internal communications infographic

We designed a memorable internal communications infographic to demonstrate the value of our client’s IT team and engage teams worldwide.


A major goal for any business is to communicate timely and effectively the value that different teams contribute to colleagues and the company as a whole. This is often a challenge for global companies due to their size and geographical spread, with teams that work together sometimes located in different regions.


Deloitte wanted to celebrate the efforts of its IT team, feeling that there wasn’t enough understanding of the contributions the team make to the company and what areas it manages for other teams.


Our client provided us with large quantities of information that we then helped distil into the most relevant items, producing an infographic design that turned quantitative data into a positive and engaging story.

The overall structure of the internal communications infographic we designed is inspired by the concept of interconnectivity. internal communications infographic

Applying Deloitte’s corporate brand colours to icons and fonts, dotted lines and connectors represent the relationships between the different services the team offers, as well as reflecting the connections between different departments.

We used a large font size to make data easy to understand and emphasise the overall impact of the team’s efforts. Strong and colourful icons help the audience grasp the number of people, locations and devices under the watchful eye of the Infrastructure Services team.internal communications infographic

The design was applied to posters strategically placed around all of our client’s UK offices, and the positive response from different teams was felt immediately.internal communications infographic

Our client, and the teams the infographic was aimed at, strongly felt that the simple and clean internal communications infographic brings the message to life: a team whose efforts usually stay in the background had now been brought into the fore for everyone to see and appreciate.

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