
Medical posters

medical posters

With the graphical approach we applied to this medical posters design, we helped our client show very quickly and in a highly visual manner the benefits that patients can enjoy thanks to Alere’s products.


Founded back in the 1990s, Alere is a global manufacturer of rapid point of care diagnostic tests. Over the years we have helped our client reach their ambitious goals through a wide variety of channels, printed and digital – brochure, exhibition stands and also a newsletter.


With this particular creative brief, Alere commissioned us to design a set of highly impactful medical posters that would help them demonstrate the alternative healthcare pathways that can be achieved through the use of their innovative point of care diagnostic products.


The design of the medical posters took the form of two flow diagrams, one which followed the traditional care pathway, and another one which showed the pathway offered by Alere. This graphical approach showed very quickly and in a highly visual manner the benefits patients can enjoy thanks to Alere’s products.medical posters

We designed and developed a total of eight medical posters within the set, with each one focusing on a specific therapy area and promoting the relevant Alere product for the variety of potential scenarios.Medical posters

We gave the medical posters design a personal touch by including a Polaroid-style photo of a patient, reinforcing the message that the choice of healthcare pathways is about real people: the patient should always be at the centre of any decision.

“We find it tremendously efficient working with the team at Parker Design.

Having direct access to their team of designers means that we can maximise our allocated marketing budget.

Not only that, the Parker team excel in the creative stakes and consistently deliver a first class service that we have come to rely on, sometimes against very tight deadlines.”

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