Darren Endicott

Related projects

Our magazine design and content were recognised at the Travel Marketing Awards and contributed to a remarkable 62% increase in travel bookings.

magazine design


Magazine design and content

Two pieces of corporate video content that elevated the IFoA's digital report by speaking directly to its more than 30,000 members.

Corporate video interview


Corporate video content

Following an award win the previous year, this latest edition of IFoA's digital performance report is an evolution rather than a revolution.

Digital performance report


Digital performance report

Evocative conceptual imagery and strong lifestyle shots lead this set of digital banner ads to transmit the IFoA's focus on its members worldwide.

Institute and Faculty of Actuaries

Digital banner ads

With impactful visuals and easy to read copy, this corporate magazine design maintains the momentum of previous editions and succeeds at transmitting the absolute determination and energy that have allowed INEOS to continue innovating despite the Covid-19 pandemic.

Corporate magazine design


Corporate magazine design

With this annual report design we helped our client 'show' rather than 'tell' a story of transparency and openness.


Annual progress report design

A cutting-edge performance report design with a strong sell that follows a You said / We listened theme and structure.

Performance report design


Performance report design

This marketing brochure and translation project presents a traditional brokerage firm as a company that very much looks forward.

Marketing brochure and translation

United Insurance Brokers Ltd

Marketing brochure and translation

Going beyond university prospectus design, we provided a magazine experience to hook the most ambitious students.

University prospectus design

University of Manchester

University prospectus design

Going beyond a design refresh, our strategy for these holiday brochures put travellers and our client's brand stories first.

Holiday brochures


Holiday brochures

Immersing ourselves in the local area, this charity brochure design became a manifesto for what Cambridge Past, Present & Future work hard to achieve.

Charity brochure design

Cambridge Past, Present & Future

Charity brochure design

With this welcome gift pack we helped Sage transmit a message of true appreciation for members of their Partner Programme.

Welcome gift pack


Welcome gift pack


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our doors are always open.