Prospectus design

Inspiring and energising your community and beyond

Our personal approach to each prospectus design ensures that we create unique visuals that clearly communicate your message.

A striking and professional prospectus will add an effective finishing touch to your presence in the community and beyond, and will help you attract the right type of applicant.

Our prospectus design inspires, energises, and opens a whole world of possibilities, making your audiences feel it’s you who will help them make their dreams and aspirations come true.

For 30 years, we have been offering helpful advice and experience to help our clients every step of the way. From beautiful design to copywriting, photography and distribution, it’s our goal to be the best partner your school, academy, college or university has ever interacted with, and get applications flooding in.

Prospectus design projects

A combination of stunning images and high impact infographics made this investment prospectus design a success in attracting investment to support Sudan’s transition to democracy, which focuses on stability, growth and wealth.

Investment prospectus design

Noble Capital Group

Investment prospectus design

A striking programme prospectus design to attract support to a nationwide initiative led by Imperial College London, conceived to inspire all levels of society to collaborate and get closer to nature.

programme prospectus design

Imperial College London

Programme prospectus design

A company brochure design that relies on size and scale, striking images, and colour – all confidently playing together to hint at GTC's world-class services, and the magnitude of what they can help achieve.

company brochure design, integrated agency

The GTC Group

Company brochure

Going beyond university prospectus design, we provided a magazine experience to hook the most ambitious students.

University prospectus design

University of Manchester

University prospectus design

This course prospectus design helped our client appeal to students and professionals by presenting Eurocentres as an innovative, forward-looking and trustworthy organisation.

Course prospectus design


Course prospectus design

Thanks to thorough media planning and effective design ideas, this school advertising campaign made a success of King's Leadership Academy's new school launch.

Advertising agency

King's Leadership Academy

School advertising campaign

As part of a campaign to launch the latest addition to King's Leadership Academy, we created a striking school prospectus design to attract ambitious students passionate about their future.

school prospectus

King's Leadership Academy

School prospectus

We helped SFX drive new enrolments with a vibrant prospectus design that refreshed its identity and established a connection with aspiring students. The new print design was a departure for SFX – transmitting a forward-looking message that seamlessly integrated with their traditional values.

college Prospectus design


College prospectus design

Our print design team delivered a striking school prospectus design that successfully communicates the institution's mission and aspirational values.

school prospectus design

King's Leadership Academy

School prospectus design


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our doors are always open.