Email campaigns

Driving conversions

We deliver email campaigns that compel audiences to click through and find out more. As people become more selective about the information they receive, it’s important for businesses to provide targeted, high-quality, engaging email communications.

With standout imagery, responsive layouts and clever copywriting, our experienced digital team creates on-point email marketing campaigns to effectively promote your products and services. By turning each of your emails into a powerful call to action, we can help you boost brand awareness, increase website traffic and drive online conversions.

Our developers ensure that each client campaign is effective and aligns with the latest technology by testing HTML email templates in all major desktop browsers and mobile devices. This approach gives our clients peace of mind and reduces the likelihood that your email will be discarded.

Email campaigns

1704% increase in views; 7 million impressions from email and social media; 100% click-through rate – We supported our client in devising a customer retention marketing campaign that created real difference, putting customers first ahead of product, and helping improve customer retention rates.

Customer retention marketing

Thomson Reuters

Customer retention marketing

We helped SolutionsPT attract a high number of registrations for a historic event with an engaging email invitation design.

Email invite design


Email invitation design

Thanks to a clean, engaging design and a seamless user experience, this digital newsletter design yielded very positive results, helping maximise the reach of N8 Agrifood's research efforts.

digital newsletter design

N8 Research Partnership

Digital newsletter design

When launching a financial marketing campaign, you want to work with a marketing agency that truly understands marketing strategy. In this case, it was our digital strategy and email marketing expertise that helped Sage generate an uplift in click-through rates and online engagement.

Financial marketing campaign


Financial marketing campaign

An email newsletter that engaged staff to drive productivity thanks to clever and effective design and employee engagement ideas.

email newsletter


Email newsletter

As an experienced digital marketing agency, we were able to help Smart Money Loans maximise click-through rates and generate new business leads with a mobile responsive email marketing campaign.

digital marketing agency

Smart Money Loans

Email marketing campaign

Having branded many of its support and maintenance facilities under the name 'Essentials', AstraZeneca asked Parker Design Consultants to create a newsletter design template which would allow them to communicate regular news and updates to the services.

Email Newsletter Template Design


Email newsletter template

Performing well above industry benchmark, this email campaign design played a major role in achieving our client’s main objective: to increase traffic to their microsite.

email campaign design

Thomson Reuters

Email campaign design

Our client's digital newsletter played a major role in keeping subscribers updated with the latest research and initiatives to support their ambitious 4-year vision

digital newsletter

N8 Research Partnership

Digital newsletter

Parker Design have been helping Sage master the art of extending their marketing campaigns to rich HTML emails – delivered to the inboxes of their customer base. Being involved in the initial concepts allows us to ensure the most effective email campaign.

Email shot design


Email shot design

Keen to send good wishes to their extensive customer and lender base, successful funding company T&L Leasing Ltd in Chester requested a relevant and light-hearted email newsletter which they could send a few days prior to Christmas.

Christmas email newsletter

T&L Leasing

Christmas email newsletter

To help AstraZeneca employees keep up to date with the latest company news in the UK, Parker Design were asked to design a weekly email newsletter and build a set of HTML email templates so that the communications team could add their own content and send it to their mailing list.

HTML email templates


HTML email templates

In the run up to Christmas, most companies ramp up their marketing campaigns across all channels, including digital, with html emails proving very effective.

Seasonal email marketing


Seasonal email marketing

Together with the management team at Smart Money Loans, we developed a range of email marketing designs to engage existing and potential customers with timely and memorable communications.

Email marketing

Smart Money Loans

Email marketing campaigns

Parker Design are adept at creating HTML email design concepts for marketing campaigns. Working alongside the client, Sage, Parker Design helped with the initial copywriting and graphic design concepts.

HTML email design


HTML email design

Sage make good use of HTML email marketing in their successful digital marketing campaigns and Parker Design Consultants have been instrumental in creating some of their email marketing campaigns.

Email marketing


Email marketing


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our doors are always open.